Autumn 1
Exploring the world around us!
This half-term, we’ll be exploring the five senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—through lots of hands-on activities, experiments, and creative projects! Each week, we’ll dive into a different sense to help the children discover how they use them to explore and understand the world.
Through fun tasks like texture collages, sound experiments, and taste tests, the children will develop their observation and inquiry skills while expanding their vocabulary. We’ll also be integrating expressive arts, science and technology, and maths, making learning exciting and multisensory.
As always, the direction of our learning could change based on the children’s curiosity and interests. We can’t wait to see where this sensory adventure takes us!
We’ve had lots of fun using our senses to guess different objects! The children have been smelling things like toothpaste, vinegar, and washing powder, tasting food with different textures and flavors like porridge and cucumber, and listening to a variety of instruments. They’ve also used their eyes to spot missing items in a memory game.
One of the biggest hits has been the "feeling box." Some of us were brave enough to reach inside to feel spikey objects and even some sticky jelly! It’s been a great adventure exploring how our senses work in different ways.
We wrote poems about the things we like and dislike. We used our senses to help us.
We used our senses to sort the pictures. We were able to practice our cutting skills too.
Taste Week!
This week, we discovered food from different countries! We “visited” Italy, France, Japan, India, and of course, our home country of Wales. I was very proud of all the children, with many trying new and different foods, and even finding things they didn’t know they liked! We also had the chance to share some of the foods we enjoy at home, which was a wonderful way to celebrate our different cultures.
Along the way, we learned about the five different flavours of food: salty, sweet, bitter, umami, and sour. It was a tasty adventure full of new experiences!
We wrote lists and shared the different types of food that we eat at home. We learnt about jerk chicken from Jamica, mansaf from Jordan and paratha fom India.
Hearing Week
We have been exploring place value by grouping objects to count them!
Gwdihw's Playlist!
This week we used our floorbook to record our favourite songs. We wrote independently and had the opportunity to dance to our songs.
Here are the songs we added to our playlist!
During our sound week, we had an exciting time exploring different instruments. The children listened closely to the sounds and then created fun images to represent what they had heard - like drawing wavy lines for soft sounds and sharp zigzags for louder ones! We even composed our own music using these pictures and played it with our friends.
Our composition
During hearing week, we thought about people who can't hear and how they communicate with each other. We learnt one of our favourite songs in British Sign Language. Have a listen below:
Sight Week
We explored what it would be like to not have the sense of sight. We wore blindfolds and tried to find our coats and bags. We used other senses to work out which one was ours. We even managed to order numicon with blindfolds on.
We learnt about Braille; another way to communicate using different senses. We wrote our names in braille and made secret codes in the play dough.
Touch Week
We enjoyed spending time in the rain during outdoor learning this week. We were able to see how the rain changed the textures around us. The mud was squelchy and the grass was soggy! We made mud sculptures with the wet mud.
We used the sense of touch to paint pictures with our feet!