The Start of our Journey!
Over the next half term, our learning will take us on a journey that allows us to explore our unique individuality, self-worth and emotions. It's the perfect starting point for a new year and will provide the children with lots of new skills that they can draw upon long into our futures. The first thing to learn about is how to identify, understand, express and manage their feelings.
From here we will build on our learning and use our understanding of emotions to develop a sense of self-worth. By doing so, the children will develop a positive mindset to tackle challenge. The learning environment will promote risk taking and problem solving which will develop the confidence to cope with challenging situations.
Overall, I hope that this learning journey will develop a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for accomplishment in their futures, while having a positive impact on the children's wellbeing.
The Colour Monster
We started our journey by reading 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour.
Colour Monster.mov

We have spent lots of time exploring our emotions by using the colours in the story. We painted sad paintings using blue paint.

We made angry scribbles!

We shared our own emotions and were able to say when we felt this way.
We've also spent a lot of our time feeling happy! We have enjoyed exploring our new environment, making new friends and spending time together.