Autumn 2
Over the last half term, the children have developed a close connection to our class mascot Gwdihw! He has become a very important member of our class and has sparked lots of inquiry question. For example, where does Gwdihw live? Does he have a family?
To follow the children's interest, we will explore the children's questions over the next couple of weeks by finding out more about Gwdihw and other nocturnal animals. We will also learn about the night sky and find out what sort of things happen when we are asleep.
To start our learning, we went on an adventure to find Gwdihw's family. Follow the link below to see the adventure we had at the National Botanic Garden's of Wales and the Birds of Prey Centre.
Here is a picture of our floorbook. We have created a page to recount on our trip. We independently decide on which photos we want to include, we have cut them out and organised our page. Our book celebrates what we want to share with others.

What is happening in our curiosity cube?
Our curiosity cube helps us to be inquisitive, creative and curious. It helps us to develop our questioning skills. Here are some of the questions we have asked:
Why are some feathers fluffy and some feathers straight?
Where did these feathers come from?
When do birds feathers fall out?
How did the feathers grow on the bird?
Who's feathers are these?
What are feathers made from?
We are story tellers!
As a class we made a story map of 'The owl who was afraid of the dark'. Can you use the story map to tell the story to your family at home?
Light Paintings
We enjoyed developing our photography skills and mark making skills in the dark den. We used a slow shutter app to make beautiful art pieces using tiny torches.