Friends, Relatives Of Glyncollen School is a group in which members voluntarily give their time and effort to planning and organising different activities in and around the school. Every penny raised through fundraising goes back to the school and its children.
The FROGS meets regularly at the school throughout each academic term and all parents, teachers and friends are welcome to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.
It is vital that we have new members to help keep the FROGS running successfully, new members and new ideas are always welcomed by the FROGS and anyone needing more information or wanting to know the date of the next meeting, should e-mail:
Elf Day - Thank you FROGS for organising such a fun day! Lots of smiling faces!
Christmas Fete
Together Tuesdays
Highlights 2023-24
Highlights of the Year: A presentation showcasing just some of the impact and involvement of our amazing FROGS throughout this year. We are so grateful for all the amazing, and often unseen work that they do to benefit the whole school community. From buying sports kit to organising coffee mornings, to dancing the night away at school discos, we are so lucky that we have you as our PTA. Mr Probert
Summer Disco
FROGS Newsletter
World Book Day 7th March

FROGS' Coffee Morning - 09:00 to 11:00
FROGS Christmas Fete