Autumn 1
From Wales to the stars
🚀 🌑 🌎 🌟
What we are working on:
This term, we will embark on an exciting journey titled ‘From Wales to the Stars’, where we will delve into the wonders of science and technology and health, and wellbeing. Our exploration will lead us to the fascinating story of Neil Armstrong and humanity’s ventures into space, helping us to understand the fundamental forces that govern our universe, such as gravity and its effects on different objects. As we learn about the planets and their positions in our solar system, we will also deepen our appreciation of how the passage of time—day and night—varies on Earth and other planets.
Alongside this, we will explore the role of the sun, recognising it's not just as a source of light but as a star at the heart of our solar system. The study of space travel will highlight how humans have benefitted from exploring beyond our world. Finally, through our reading of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes, we will consider how our relationships with others are shaped by our environment, and how these experiences can change the way we view the world around us.
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
This week we started looking at the history of space travel and coming up with a list of vocabulary to use during our topic. We also started looking at Neil Armstrong and the Space race. This work will lead us into our next weeks activities and building our timeline of space events and a fact file about Neil Armstrong.
This week were were lucky enough to have the lovely staff from Bumbles of Honeywood come in and complete a session about work and jobs with us. They spent time reading a story and explaining about the importance of hard work in school to achieve the outcome of a job you want in the future.
We also had our first outdoor learning session where we went around the grounds to explore the new allotment that the FROGGS have been working hard to build. We also looked at the gardens we have and how we can maintain them in the coming months ready to compete again in the Glyncollen in Bloom.
09.09.24 - 13.09.24
During this week we have explored more of the history of Neil Armstrong and been building our fact file to develop our Historical Character portrait next week. We have also been looking at the history of space travel across the world and build a timeline of events. We have been asking what/if their are any benefits of Space travel.
For today’s outdoor learning session, we focused on how the mass of an object affects the way it falls to Earth, and whether mass and weight are the same thing. To explore this, we gathered a variety of different objects and dropped them from a height, predicting which item would hit the ground first. We also investigated the effect of air resistance by making paper airplanes and rockets, challenging each other in a competition to see whose creation would fly the farthest.
23.09.24 - 26.09.24
30.09.24 - 04.10.24
This week we have been exploring the concept of our Solar System and have looked at the planets and our star (The Sun ☀️ ). We created a moving diagram that showed how the planets move and their distance from the sun. At the end of the week we started exploring how time changes and moves differently on other planets and the effect this could have on space travel.