Autumn 1 - 2
Writing collective noun songs based on the 12 Days of Christmas
Introducing the concept of energy conservation and making connections with Cynefin - who is this person and what is his link to Swansea and energy conservation?
Creating energy transfer systems to convert potential energy into kinetic energy - unfortunately that didn’t work too well but we had fun trying!

CAMHS resilience workshop #healthyconfidentindividuals
What an amazing Christmas Show. A fantastic performance from all children #Bahhumbug
#creativeenterprisingcontributors #ambitiouscapablelearners
Exploring the use of punctuation for meaning, focussing on commas and how writing can be misunderstood when punctuation is incorrect #ambitiouscapablelearners

Christmas stocking budgeting challenge #enterprisingcreativecontributors

Working on our Christmas stalls. Thank you for supporting us with donations, sponsorship and helping to create our games and crafts #enterprisingcreativecontributors
We are thrilled that our hard work paid off! We were so happy to see how much money we have raised to improve our learning environment and resources. Thank you for supporting us!
Starter activities: basic skills number facts, spelling, reading and cooperation games

Exploring the importance of self-esteem and valuing your own importance and worth in the world, using the story Clump the lump of coal #healthyconfidentindividuals
Exploring famous soliloquy’s to help us write our own #ambitiouscapablelearners
Financial Education - preparing for our Christmas fete stalls on Friday #enterprisingcreative

Enjoying learning Bollywood dancing #ethicalinformedcitizens
Exploring emotions and recognising that they change like a river. Understanding that it is ok not to be ok all the time and how to help #healthyconfidentindividuals
Exploring financial literacy through discussion and group work: attitudes towards money, risk and emotions around money, value for money #ethicalinformedcitizens
Year 6’s exploring art and technology at Morriston Comp #transition
Using numicon to explore negative numbers #ambitiouscapablelearners
Refining and improving our gymnastic sequences in preparation for our performances
Financial education: Planning and presenting our Christmas Fayre stall ideas to the FROGs
Anti bullying week: Make a noise!
Learning about the importance of speaking up over bullying, how banter and bullying are different and reading stories to understand how people can become bullies
#healthy confident individuals
Children in need: learning about the work of CIN and participating in the Bearpees Joe Wickes Challenge finale #ethicalinformedcitizens

Borfa House residential
(Please also view Sgwarnog class page for photos)
Exploring the local area, wildlife and history
Enjoying our tea
Evening hot chocolate and cookies and games night
A good nights sleep and a hearty breakfast before a busy day climbing
A busy day rock climbing, rock hopping and caving
Enjoying our evening meal before movie night
Room inspections and breakfast before body boarding and orienteering
Body boarding fun
Orienteering fun
Tea, games night and chilling
A wet, windy and muddy day in the woods building dens, toasting marshmallows, chopping wood and exploring the history of the area.
Last day fun and games
Industrial Wales:
The impact on the people and the environment.
This term we are learning about industrial Wales and the impact of a variety of industries on the people, economy, communities and environment.
We have begun our learning journey by exploring 'The great strike of Penrhyn,' the longest strike in Welsh history.
We are linking this learning to our class novel 'The darkest days,' about a family that leave North Wales due to the quarry strikes to work in the coal mines of South Wales.
Using drama techniques like freeze frames and tableaus to explore the characters of the ‘Great strike of Penrhyn.’
Using scripts to re-enact the events of the ‘Great Strike of Penrhyn.’

Writing and performing raps about the Penrhyn strike
Writing character descriptions: working together to peer and self reflect on our writing and to plan ways to improve it further
Copper Jack boat trip and a guided visit to the site of the Hafod Morfa Copper works
#learning about the people and conditions at the time
Outdoor learning coordinates hunt
#using the outdoors to answer questions and find out about copperopolis
Who is it challenge to explore famous industrialists of Copperopolis

Exploring energy transfer and its link to slate and coal formation
#sedentary vs. Metamorphic rocks

Developing our unity and cooperation skills in PE by playing cups and saucers, hungry hippos and sheep and shepherd.
Developing our understanding of stillness, travelling and levels in gymnastics
Developing gymnastics sequences to include balance, jumps, turns and flow

Year 6 Cycle proficiency training #keeping safe and healthy on the roads
Celebrating National Recycling week with our Trashion show

Developing our numeracy reasoning skills using ‘ Talk it, solve it,’ and concept cartoons #placevalue #rounding
Exploring reasoning, speaking and listening skills through our starter activities
Exploring the stories of the bible with ‘Walk through the bible.’
Exploring friendship: discussing scenarios and exploring the book Meesha makes friends
Exploring whether friends can be objects using the story ‘Luba and the pebble’ and Aesops tales
Exploring worries and ways that we can manage them positively #healthyconfidentindividuals
Using this story to explore are you a ‘Nevermind,’ or a ‘Could be worse.’
Revising our life saving skills with the Welsh Ambulance Service workshop #cpr and defibrillator skills

Year 5 lesson with PC Chris - exploring Anti-social behaviour

Exploring science skills using science enquiry games: Table talk, does the evidence support the conclusion
Using science enquiry games to explore investigation types
Science investigation skills: exploring independent, dependent and control variables in investigations #ambitiouscapablelearners
Celebrating Shwmae Su’mae day

Developing our Spanish skills #ethicallyinformedcitizens