Summer 1
Welcome back!
This term we will be looking at the big question:
'How can we create a better world for future generations?'
This question will help us focus on the environmental impact humans have had on the world we live in from deforestation to recycling. Further to this we will be concentrating of how we can change the way we live to support a positive impact on the world for future generations.
This term, we will be learning how to send letters, and to begin, we need to understand how to correctly write an address on a letter. Our focus has been on writing the school's address on the right-hand side of the page. The pupils have been encouraged to understand spacing in their writing and determine where to start. Da iawn, Dosbarth Cadno!
Our focus for Maths this term is to understand fractions, particularly 1/2, 1/4, and 1/3, while also challenging ourselves with more difficult fractions such as fifths and tenths. To achieve this, we have engaged in numerous practical activities, such as using chalk outside and working with play-dough. These activities will help the class to grasp the different parts of fractions.
08.04.24 - 12.04.24
To start off this term we started investigating our new topic and exploring some vocabulary around the subject including the word 'generations'. We looked at how we can make an impact to our world and what as humans we can change to improve the world for future generations.
For Mathematics we started looking at fractions.

15.04.24 - 19.04.24
To help the class understand how to write letters we concentrated on writing someones address this week. We looked at the locality of the address on the page and why the address is ordered in a specific way. We also looked at how to open and close a formal letter. During a conversion we looked at the content of a letter.
22.04.24 - 26.04.24
Dosbarth Cadno were lucky enough to have been given some incredible new outdoor learning items this week and we used the week to explore the items. We focused on how to look after the items and use them safely. We also started to reuse recycled items to create art.
29.04.24 - 1.05.24
During this week we had some lovely World Earth day challenges. One of the class favourite challenges was creating 'Land art' inspired by the artist Jon Foreman. We repurposed shells to create shapes and patterns on the ground. We also focused on planting and how. to correctly plant and look after what we are growing.
07.05.24 - 10.05.24
This week we started looking at data and Pictogams. The class collected data about their chosen subject ready to be used later in the week to create their own Pictogram on J2e. We also learned to read data on Pictograms. We used a green car to represent number and practiced our times tables and halving skills to understand how many cars had been seen each day.
For outdoor learning this week our main focus was resilience and team work. The class was split into two groups and given two large buckets. They needed to move the water from one side to another using tools with holes. They had so much fun moving the water and there was a real sense of teamwork and of course a healthy amount of competition.
PE we focused on a new topic 'Athletics'. Firstly we looked at throwing and catching but needed to fistly work on how to throw and catch by rolling a ball towards a target.
We were lucky enough to have South Wales fire and rescue service in this week to talk about the importance of being safe. The class had a lovely conversion about the importance of checking the smoke detectors in the house weekly. We also looked at the story Sbarc and how to spot dangers in the house.
Today we had a lovely morning with Technocamps. They came in to teach us some lovely skills using Scratch and programming.