Christmas trip at Gower Fresh Christmas Trees
Valuing Differences
Welcome back to Autumn term 2.
We have a very busy term planned before we finish for Christmas.
An important date for your diary is Foundation Learning Christmas Concert on Wednesday 11th December! Information will be shared closer to the time. We also have an exciting festive trip planned for Draenog Un & Draenog Mawr, more information will be shared soon.
This half term we will continue exploring our whole school theme of 'belonging', with a focus on valuing each others differences. Stories we will explore include: 'You Choose' by Nick Sharrat and Pippa Goodhart, 'Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly' by Sue Heap and Nick Sharrat and 'The Perfect Fit' Naomi Jones. During this time, we will also look further into the Christmas story, writing character portraits for our chosen character.
This half term we plan on developing our understanding of shape and pattern through play whilst continuing developing our numeracy skills. We have lots of opportunities planned to write and draw and will continue with Read Write Inc and phonological awareness.
We will celebrate our differences and similarities this half term by discussing our likes and dislikes, the languages we speak and our lifestyles. We will learn to show care and respect to others whilst valuing each others differences.
Please check the class page regularly to see our learning journey and to see what we get up too during our time in school.
More reading!
Reading 'You Choose' and making choices
RWI, Fred talk & writing words
Children in Need
This term we are exploring the idea of 'belonging'.
We have started by learning our names and practiced writing them, using Read Write Inc writing patterns. Please keep practising at home!
We are reading lots of 'family' theme stories, such as 'My Family' by Todd Parr, 'The Family Tree' by Kate Ferdinand and lots more. The stories explore the importance of belonging to a family. You can find lots of 'family' theme stories online if you would like to read at home.
We have draw self portraits and family portraits for our WOW boards and floor book.
We will be doing presentations to our friends and teachers, using 'family photos' to prompt us! We look forward to listening to the children talk about their loved ones, we will then display the photos in our learning environment.
We are continuing our phonics progress through Read Write Inc. Our forest sessions this year are all day on a Tuesday with Miss Evans, and we feel so fortunate to spend both the morning and afternoon in our beautiful outdoor learning environment. On Thursdays we will develop our physical skills through P.E in the hall.
We look forward to sharing our Learning Journey with you as we move through the Autumn term.